Friday, November 11, 2016

T-Rex Cover Letter

Just completed another contract. Another job to apply for. Now cover letters and resumes go out. Do they work?

I don’t user cover letters applying for contract positions. I leave the cover letters to those who apply to full time positions.

I send my updated resume to agencies within my personal network. No cover letter. But, after talking to Dr. Cathy Goodwin ( ), she introduced me to t-cover letters.

T-cover (T Rex I like to call them), I use to collect my thoughts and in preparation to phone and in-person interviews. What goes into t-rex? I go to my notebook and draw a full page T.
I put into the left column all the clients job requirements. The right column I match my qualifications to each.

Excuse the handwriting:

Clear Word document example:

My Qualifications
Clear, Concise business requirements using flexible approach.

Collaborate with stakeholders and technical resources creating user stories.

Create Workflow Diagrams.

I’ve wrote and presented an SDS from a previous project.

Debit Card Mobilization project where I collaborated with Business and Architect’s to write epic AGILE Stories.

Work on project at ABC Bank where collaborated with 3rd Party Vendor to write and present ARP workflow using PowerPoint.

Prior to interview, phone or in-person, I develop a story explaining I’m qualified for this position.

After a particular interview, the agency called and told me the client said, “Dan articulates well.” Great feedback.

T-cover is a great tool to add to your Independent Computer Consultant tool box.

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